Sunday, January 27, 2013

Buy a home for $1000 down! WOW!

It's true. You can buy a home for $1000 down.

There are a few rules but it is being done ALL over Florida!

First, you're a first time homebuyer (FTHB). You have not owned Real Estate for 3yrs at least . ( A mobile home on rented land is considered personal property and not real estate.) You're a FTHB even if you owned a home yesterday if you are honorably discharged from the service!

You have to attend a FTHB class (3rd Sat every month at the greater Fort Myers and the Islands Real Estate board in Fort Myers). You have to pre-register.

Your credit is decent and your score is at least 660.

Your income for 2 is <$73,920 and for 3 people <$86,240.

Maximum home price to qualify for Lee county is $324,683

OK, so you have made it through those hurdles (which are current info as of 4/20/2012), next you need to find a lender. Go to and find a lender in your area who is approved for the Florida First loans.

The lenders know the details on these loans and they know how the programs work. You can get prequalified for an FHA loan at 4.5% , and for up to $7500 to cover down payment or closing costs at 0% interest. Ask your lender for specifics as it is a no interest repayable loan and you will want to be completely informed. (rates are subject to change, and programs are too!) Florida Housing has a few programs to assist a First timer!

Once you are pre-qualified, call me! I love working with FTHBs! You guys are just so excited and fun to be around!

I'm here to help,

Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570

*Rates/terms/and fees are quoted by the lender. The rates/terms above did not include any other fees involved in the loan. Your lender will give you a good faith estimate showing accurate fees and terms. You'll need to get a lender from the website above to get prequalified as not all lenders offer this program. Not everyone will qualify, so go there first and find Programs, rates above, and rules are subject to change too. The website and your lender should be able to give you exact availability.

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