Friday, October 11, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Money to lend ,houses to buy!!!
I helped a family relocate from the Midwest to Naples. We worked out their credit repair (Dad's BK on their credit report). We worked with Wells Fargo to get their loan approved with enough extra money to update the well and provide the buyer with a few bucks for a new refrigerator! Nothing is better than the call I got from that family at 8am Saturday morning (the day after close) "Thank you Claudia, this is the nicest home we ever slept in". They bought their dream home sight unseen.
Last month we cleaned up a buyers credit (someone else's bankruptcy was reporting on his credit report). He bought a home with NO MONEY DOWN through the VA with Reliance First Capital, the same people who helped restore his good credit. He finally feels whole after being injured 9/11. His girls have a permanent home.
My lenders are coming out of the woodwork with home loans for my buyers! 100% loans, FHA,VA, USDA, FL Bond money, conventional and not-so-conventional. Yesterdays short sale sellers are being considered too.
Contact me if you are living (or wish you were) between Sarasota and Naples FL and let me know if you're a buyer or a seller and how I can get you moving!
If you are thinking about short selling, talk to me first. You don't have to trash your credit to get it done. I will help you, and the current lender will pay my commission.
I work with several lenders and we work as a team to get you home.
Claudia DeBruyn CNE, AAHR
Cell 781-799-7570
**I am not affiliated with any lender in particular, but when someone goes the extra mile for my buyers, I can't help but thank them publicly!!
Last month we cleaned up a buyers credit (someone else's bankruptcy was reporting on his credit report). He bought a home with NO MONEY DOWN through the VA with Reliance First Capital, the same people who helped restore his good credit. He finally feels whole after being injured 9/11. His girls have a permanent home.
My lenders are coming out of the woodwork with home loans for my buyers! 100% loans, FHA,VA, USDA, FL Bond money, conventional and not-so-conventional. Yesterdays short sale sellers are being considered too.
Contact me if you are living (or wish you were) between Sarasota and Naples FL and let me know if you're a buyer or a seller and how I can get you moving!
If you are thinking about short selling, talk to me first. You don't have to trash your credit to get it done. I will help you, and the current lender will pay my commission.
I work with several lenders and we work as a team to get you home.
Claudia DeBruyn CNE, AAHR
Cell 781-799-7570
**I am not affiliated with any lender in particular, but when someone goes the extra mile for my buyers, I can't help but thank them publicly!!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
$0 down! 3189 Greendale Rd, North Port, FL | Powered by Postlets
3189 Greendale Rd, North Port, FL | Powered by Postlets
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Friday, August 9, 2013
100% financing in SW FL!!!!
100% financing still exists!!!! Let's get this straight cause you heard it right. So what are you waiting for????
Here are the caveats- USDA loans are gov't loans, meant to develop what the gov't calls 'rural'. This could mean home on the range, or it could mean a PUD (planned unit development) much like the communities you probably live in now. The property has to fall in 'a USDA zone'.
They are made for lower income folks who make the median or less for income.
There are other guidelines, like no pools. There are other requirements (credit score etc). BUT it is always worth the try!
Let's use some made up #s. Say you were buying a home for $100,000. Interest rate on the 30 yr fixed is 4.25%. I used an on line FHA and USDA calculator to determine payments.
FHA 3.5% down ($3500) and MIP (including Private mtg insurance PMI about $1688) @4.25 % = $591.59 monthly (before tax/ins).
USDA 0% down ($0) and no MIP (0). That means (including the USDA fund fee $2040.82) your payment = $527.49.
You save $64 +/- per month. OR you can finance $112,750 purchase price for the same payment as $100,000 and still no money down!!!
I sell Real Estate from Sarasota to Naples. I have CLOSED USDA home sales. I have a lender who does these everyday and she can assist you. We know they take a bit longer to close (which is why most brokers discourage them) but they are worth it for both buyer and seller!!!!
Get pre-qualified and you and I WILL find you a home!! Call me 781-799-7570 and I'll send you a property list!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Todays Real Estate market - Fort Myers FL 2013
Here it is in a nutshell- apply for your mortgage NOW. Get credit and income pre-approved. Make sure you have qualified completely. You need to be strong.
Sales are up according the 8.69% this year in the Fort Myers -Cape coral area. Listings are down 11.47%. So that means the inventory is low, which generally pushes prices up (basic supply and demand). I noted in my blog a long time ago when we were at bottom. Well, we are past the bottom.
Today is the day. Call your lender. Get moving on the pre-approval. Get out your taxes (2 yrs), 2 mo bank statements, 2 yrs W2s, and a few paystubs. If you have any other income, prove it! (1099 or award letters from SSI, child support orders). If you 'forgot' to file 2011 and 2012 taxes- remember! Do it today. Don't procrastinate.
Remember , (s)he who procrastinates lives with their in laws and that is very uncool to admit at your class reunion.
Call me with that preapproval and lets get out and find you a place to call home!
Claudia DeBruyn
Realtor, CNE AAHR
cell/text 781-799-7570
SW FL Specialist!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Florida Homeowners tax exemptions!
Home buyers are always looking for deductions! Who wouldnt. Well this is the easiest way to check and see if you qualify. I got this from the states website. Hope it helps!
You must apply for exemptions with your county property appraiser. The property appraiser may require documentation.
You must apply for exemptions with your county property appraiser. The property appraiser may require documentation.
Individual and Family Exemptions
- Homestead, Up To $50,000Every person who owns and resides on real property in Florida on January 1 and makes the property his or her permanent residence is eligible to receive a homestead exemption up to $50,000. The first $25,000 applies to all property taxes, including school district taxes. The additional exemption up to $25,000, applies to the assessed value between $50,000 and $75,000 and only to non-school taxes.
The application for homestead exemption (Form DR-501) and other property tax forms are posted on our form page and on most property appraiser's websites. Click here for county property appraiser contact and website information. Some county sites have quick and easy online applications. If filing for the first time, be prepared to answer these questions:
- Whose name or names were recorded on the title on January 1?
- What is the street address of the property?
- Were you living in the dwelling on January 1?
- Do you claim homestead in another county or state?
Previous residency outside Florida and date endedIf you are moving from a previous Florida homestead to a new homestead in Florida, you may be able to transfer, or “port,” all or part of your homestead assessment difference. Read more on portability.
Florida driver license or identification card number
Evidence of giving up driver license from other state
Florida vehicle tag number
Florida voter registration number (if US citizen)
Declaration of domicile, residency date
Current employer
Address listed on your last IRS return
School location of dependent children
Bank statement and checking account mailing address
Proof of payment of utilities at homestead address
See a summary of requirements and documentation for homestead related exemptions.
See section 196.031, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Widows and Widowers, $500Any widow or widower who is a Florida resident may claim a $500 exemption. If you remarry, you are no longer eligible for the exemption. If you were divorced before the death of your ex-spouse, you do not qualify as a widow or widower.
See section 196.202, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Disability, $500A Florida resident who is totally and permanently disabled may qualify for a $500 exemption.
See section 196.202, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Blind Persons, $500A Florida resident who is blind may qualify for a $500 exemption.
See section 196.202, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Total and Permanent DisabilityReal estate used and owned as a homestead by a quadriplegic, less any portion used for commercial purposes, is exempt from all ad valorem taxation.
Real estate used and owned as a homestead by a paraplegic, hemiplegic, or other totally and permanently disabled person, who must use a wheelchair for mobility or who is legally blind, is exempt from taxation if the gross household income is below the current gross income limit. Gross income is the income, including veterans' and social security benefits, of all persons residing in the homestead.
If filing for the first time, a certificate of total and permanent disability (Form DR-416) from two (2) licensed doctors of this state or from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs is required. For the legally blind, one of the two may be a certificate from a Florida-licensed optometrist (Form DR-416B).
See section 196.101, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Two Local Option Homestead Exemptions for Persons 65 and OlderSome city or county governments have enacted local ordinances allowing one or both added homestead exemptions. Contact your local property appraiser for information on any ordinances passed in your county.
This law allows counties or municipalities to grant either or both of the following:
- An exemption not exceeding fifty-thousand dollars to any person who has the legal or equitable title to real estate, maintains their permanent residence on the property, is 65 or older, and whose household income does not exceed the household income limitation; or
- An additional exemption equal to the assessed value of the property to an owner who has title to real estate in Florida with a just value less than $250,000, has maintained permanent residence on the property for not less than 25 years, is 65 or older and whose household income does not exceed the household income limitation.
Get and complete a statement of income using this form: (Form DR-501SC).
Veterans Exemptions
- Disabled Ex-ServicememberAn ex-service member disabled at least 10% in war or by service-connected events may be entitled to a $5,000 exemption on any property he or she owns.
See section 196.24, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Service-Connected, Total and Permanent Disability or Confined to a Wheelchair An honorably discharged veteran who is totally and permanently disabled or requires a wheelchair for mobility resulting from their military service may qualify for total exemption of their homestead. Under some circumstances, the benefit of this exemption can carry over to the surviving spouse.
See sections 196.081 and 196.091, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Discount for Veterans 65 and Older with a Combat-Related DisabilityA veteran who is disabled, 65 or older, and owns homestead property may qualify for a property tax discount based on their percentage of disability. To be eligible, you must have been honorably discharged from military service and be partially disabled with a permanent service-connected disability, at least part of which is combat-related. Read more.
See section 196.082, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Deployed Military ExemptionA member or former member of any branch of the United States military or military reserves, the United States Coast Guard or its reserves, or the Florida National Guard may receive an exemption on this year’s tax bill if he or she:
- receives a homestead exemption,
- was deployed during the last calendar year outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii in support of a designated operation (each year the Florida legislature designates operations for this exemption), and
- submits an application, Form DR-501M, to the property appraiser.
- Surviving Spouse of Military Veteran Who Died in the Line of DutyA surviving spouse of a veteran who died from service-connected causes while on active duty may be granted a total exemption on their home.
See section 196.081, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
- Filing and Keeping Your Homestead ExemptionWhen a person serving in the Armed Forces owns a property and uses it as a homestead, the service member may rent the homestead without abandoning the claim to the homestead exemption. See section 196.061, Florida Statutes.
Service members who can't file a homestead exemption claim in person because of a service obligation may file the claim through next of kin or through any other person who has been authorized in writing to file on behalf of the service member. See section 196.071, Florida Statutes.
Fallen Heroes Family Tax Relief Act
- Surviving Spouses of First RespondersA surviving spouse of first responders who died in the line of duty may be granted a total exemption on homestead property.
See section 196.081, Florida Statutes. For local information, contact your county property appraiser.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Earning their keep!
There are sled dogs, who make great transportation assistance in the polar regions. There are show dogs who make the dog show circuit and earn prize money. Some dogs sell burritos.
Then there are my three amigos. Annie and Buddy Beagle, and Daisy Mae Spaniel. They can eat, sleep and bark. Doesn't seem like much unless your a Realtor with a vacant home behind you. Curious potential home buyers stop and peek in the windows. Annie Beagle starts the arooooo welcome! I follow up with a hello and business card- "That ones sold , but I can help you find another'! And we did.
Their new home had everything but the kitchen sink (really). OK, a kitchen sink and a master bath toilet were missing. The rest of the home was in relatively good shape and had a fantastic layout, yard and pool. Before we placed an offer we called his loan officer and verified they would finance a home with a minor few issues. The seller added the sink and toilet, the lender wasn't concerned with the missing closet doors and lion -chewed bathroom door.
We did a 7am walk through one Saturday. Mrs. P had already written the honey-do list. Honey had to measure for blinds, a refrigerator and a few other odds and ends. Paint colors need changing. Carpet needed discussing. Both are clearly delighted in their choice of homes. I am delighted to have them as neighbors!
I bid $20 on a bag of gourmet bones at a fundraiser auction the other night. I won. Or should I say, my sales associates won!

I sell Real Estate from Sarasota to Naples! I love SWFL and would love to share it with you! There are so many reasonably priced homes and they are going quickly!
Then there are my three amigos. Annie and Buddy Beagle, and Daisy Mae Spaniel. They can eat, sleep and bark. Doesn't seem like much unless your a Realtor with a vacant home behind you. Curious potential home buyers stop and peek in the windows. Annie Beagle starts the arooooo welcome! I follow up with a hello and business card- "That ones sold , but I can help you find another'! And we did.
Their new home had everything but the kitchen sink (really). OK, a kitchen sink and a master bath toilet were missing. The rest of the home was in relatively good shape and had a fantastic layout, yard and pool. Before we placed an offer we called his loan officer and verified they would finance a home with a minor few issues. The seller added the sink and toilet, the lender wasn't concerned with the missing closet doors and lion -chewed bathroom door.
We did a 7am walk through one Saturday. Mrs. P had already written the honey-do list. Honey had to measure for blinds, a refrigerator and a few other odds and ends. Paint colors need changing. Carpet needed discussing. Both are clearly delighted in their choice of homes. I am delighted to have them as neighbors!
I bid $20 on a bag of gourmet bones at a fundraiser auction the other night. I won. Or should I say, my sales associates won!
I sell Real Estate from Sarasota to Naples! I love SWFL and would love to share it with you! There are so many reasonably priced homes and they are going quickly!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Utilities Expansion is coming to Cape Coral FL
Get out your checkbooks, the predicted utility expansion project has begun again in Cape Coral. The estimated cost is 20k per home. The project will start in 2013 and is broken into 9 'sections'. They expect to complete one section per 2 yrs. Check with the city to see what section your property falls into.
If you're planning to sell, you need to disclose this. If you're in section 9, 16 yrs down the road is a whole lot easier to sell than next year!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Get out your checkbooks, the predicted utility expansion project has begun again in Cape Coral. The estimated cost is 20k per home. The project will start in 2013 and is broken into 9 'sections'. They expect to complete one section per 2 yrs. Check with the city to see what section your property falls into.
If you're planning to sell, you need to disclose this. If you're in section 9, 16 yrs down the road is a whole lot easier to sell than next year!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Mortgage Foregiveness act extended! 2013
Article from
Daily Briefing: Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A service for members of Florida Realtors
Daily Briefing: Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A service for members of Florida Realtors
Military families get a short sale break!
Look like someone finally noticed that our
men and women of the military have housing problems too in this short sale
Those who bought before 6/30/12 who need to short sell to move along with PCS (permanent change of station) orders will have relief! There will be no deficiency judgements or requests to contribute at closing. These military families do not have to be in default to short sell their homes!
See the attached article for details.
Claudia Debruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Those who bought before 6/30/12 who need to short sell to move along with PCS (permanent change of station) orders will have relief! There will be no deficiency judgements or requests to contribute at closing. These military families do not have to be in default to short sell their homes!
See the attached article for details.
Claudia Debruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
BEAUTIFUL Buckingham Fort Myers
BUCKINGHAM, Fort Myers, Florida
Buckingham is a gorgeous horse lovers paradise on the outer edge of Fort Myers, FL. Although it is very country, it is bordered by I75, route 82 and route 80. Route 80 goes directly into downtown Fort Myers so if a night on the town is a must, you have access! Route 82 heads out near the SWFL International airport (RSW) and beautiful Bonita Springs.
Search Buckingham area MLS
My short photo album!/photo.php?fbid=368964493158920&set=a.368964469825589.84823.144602288928476&type=3&theater
According to 'Neighborhood Scout', most of the homes in Buckingham have been built between 1970 and 1994, although there are many older and newer homes scattered throughout the area. The supply of homes in Buckingham is low compared to the demand for property. It is a beautiful place to live! Read more from Neighborhood scout below.
Buckingham is also the home of the 'World Famous Buckingham Blues Bar'! World famous? Not really, but they are working on it! The original bar was built in 1957. It was completely renovated by new owner, Tommy Lee Cook, a Buckingham resident. It hosts local bands and is a great place to hang out with the locals!
Buckingham has a rich military history. The air base was built in 1942 on swamp land that had been drained into a canal system. B-24's flew from Buckingham to Romania during war times. During WW2, the field and ranges took over 66,723 acres with approximately 700 buildings, and housed about 16,000 men. Read more...
Buckingham Exceptional Student Center is located on Buckingham Road. This school supports students with multiple disabilities.
Buckingham also has its own Community park! Ball fields are open from dawn to dusk. There is a playground with restrooms, and plenty of parking. Of course, we can't forget to mention Barkingham park for your 4 legged friends!
View Larger Map
Still confused? Short sale?? Foreclosure??
According to Realty Trac, "1
in every 326 housing units received a foreclosure filing in May 2012" in Lee
What is the difference between foreclosure and short sale? Legally, on a foreclosure, the lender takes your property as collateral for non-payment or for failing to stay within the contract you signed with them. Currently some FHA lenders will allow you to buy again within 3 years, with good re-established credit . Conventional lenders make you wait about 7 yrs. (See your lender for details because the rules change frequently!).
With a short sale, you owe more than the property is worth. you don't need to be in a default position, but you have a compelling reason to sell. So let's say you owe $200,000 and your home is worth $150,000. You list with me. I bring you a buyer for $150,000. Your bank has to agree to release their 200k lien for only 150k (a short payoff). Most lenders wil consider lending after 2 years on a short sale. (See your lender for details).
Call me for a review of your situation. I'll come out and give you a fair market analysis of your home. You'll fill out a financial package that your lender will require, and we will upload it to them for review. We'll list your home and start the short sale process. I'll answer as many Real Estate questions as I can. Legal and tax related questions are better answered by your Attorney or CPA.
A foreclosure is far worse for your credit. You can be sued for the deficiency. Your attorney will tell you It is not the best route. Call me an we'll talk about whether short selling your home is right for you.
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
What is the difference between foreclosure and short sale? Legally, on a foreclosure, the lender takes your property as collateral for non-payment or for failing to stay within the contract you signed with them. Currently some FHA lenders will allow you to buy again within 3 years, with good re-established credit . Conventional lenders make you wait about 7 yrs. (See your lender for details because the rules change frequently!).
With a short sale, you owe more than the property is worth. you don't need to be in a default position, but you have a compelling reason to sell. So let's say you owe $200,000 and your home is worth $150,000. You list with me. I bring you a buyer for $150,000. Your bank has to agree to release their 200k lien for only 150k (a short payoff). Most lenders wil consider lending after 2 years on a short sale. (See your lender for details).
Call me for a review of your situation. I'll come out and give you a fair market analysis of your home. You'll fill out a financial package that your lender will require, and we will upload it to them for review. We'll list your home and start the short sale process. I'll answer as many Real Estate questions as I can. Legal and tax related questions are better answered by your Attorney or CPA.
A foreclosure is far worse for your credit. You can be sued for the deficiency. Your attorney will tell you It is not the best route. Call me an we'll talk about whether short selling your home is right for you.
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Renting can be more expensive than buying!
The big guys say were at the bottom! Prices and interest
rates havent been this low since Wally and the Beav we in
Let's see, at 4% (current rates are a bit lower, but we'll use 4) $100,000 over 30 yrs = 477.42 + taxes and ins, you're payment will most likely be less than $1000/mo. Borrow 150,000 and pay 716.12 + taxes and ins. This link is to an amortization calculator. Play with it and find your financial comfort zone before shopping.
Lenders are not a dime a dozen any more. Good lenders are even harder to find. You need to be preapproved to make an offer in SWFL. Collect up your last 4 weeks paystubs, your last 2 yrs W2s, your last 2 months bank statements and make the lender telephone call. After you call your lender, call me 781-799-7570. Having been in lending for over 10 yrs prior to selling real estate, I can help you prepare to buy. I know several different lenders with many programs.
Let's see, at 4% (current rates are a bit lower, but we'll use 4) $100,000 over 30 yrs = 477.42 + taxes and ins, you're payment will most likely be less than $1000/mo. Borrow 150,000 and pay 716.12 + taxes and ins. This link is to an amortization calculator. Play with it and find your financial comfort zone before shopping.
Lenders are not a dime a dozen any more. Good lenders are even harder to find. You need to be preapproved to make an offer in SWFL. Collect up your last 4 weeks paystubs, your last 2 yrs W2s, your last 2 months bank statements and make the lender telephone call. After you call your lender, call me 781-799-7570. Having been in lending for over 10 yrs prior to selling real estate, I can help you prepare to buy. I know several different lenders with many programs.
CNE Certified Negotiation Expert
Yep, I'm a 1%-er. Only 1% of Realtors nationwide pass the CNE exam.
Claudia DeBruyn has been awarded the Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE®) designation by the Real Estate Negotiation Institute (RENI). The CNE® is earned by real estate professionals after successfully completing formal negotiation training from the Real Estate Negotiation Institute. Agents who receive this certification are in the top 1% of all agents nationally.
With professional negotiation skills, agents are able to help clients obtain better results in the sale or purchase of their home. CNE® agents have a powerful competitive edge because of their ability to 1) communicate effectively to uncover more information, 2) help clients understand their options, 3) work collaboratively with others, and 4) resolve deadlocks. CNE® agents have a thorough understanding of how to negotiate effectively to help achieve their client’s goals.
The Real Estate Negotiation Institute is the leading negotiation training and coaching company in the real estate industry. Tom Hayman, the CEO and Co-Founder of the Real Estate Negotiation Institute, is a professional negotiator with 35+ years of negotiation experience, including 25 years with The Procter and Gamble Company (Fortune 50 company). Hayman asserts “Any Buyer or Seller who hires a CNE® agent can feel confident they have one of the best trained negotiators in real estate. They should achieve superior results and have better resolution of all issues when represented by a CNE® agent.”
For more information visit
Claudia DeBruyn Receives New
“Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE®)”
Professional negotiation skills are a must for all real
estate agents
helping home buyers and sellers, especially in the current
Claudia DeBruyn has been awarded the Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE®) designation by the Real Estate Negotiation Institute (RENI). The CNE® is earned by real estate professionals after successfully completing formal negotiation training from the Real Estate Negotiation Institute. Agents who receive this certification are in the top 1% of all agents nationally.
With professional negotiation skills, agents are able to help clients obtain better results in the sale or purchase of their home. CNE® agents have a powerful competitive edge because of their ability to 1) communicate effectively to uncover more information, 2) help clients understand their options, 3) work collaboratively with others, and 4) resolve deadlocks. CNE® agents have a thorough understanding of how to negotiate effectively to help achieve their client’s goals.
The Real Estate Negotiation Institute is the leading negotiation training and coaching company in the real estate industry. Tom Hayman, the CEO and Co-Founder of the Real Estate Negotiation Institute, is a professional negotiator with 35+ years of negotiation experience, including 25 years with The Procter and Gamble Company (Fortune 50 company). Hayman asserts “Any Buyer or Seller who hires a CNE® agent can feel confident they have one of the best trained negotiators in real estate. They should achieve superior results and have better resolution of all issues when represented by a CNE® agent.”
For more information visit
Best / Worst neighborhoods
As a Realtor, we aren't allowed to steer people to one area or another based on
demographics. Yes we can tell you if it's a golf community, or a beach
community, but we can't answer a lot of 'those' questions.
I searched Google and found: The results on this site are interesting.
Which neighborhood has the best school? Lowest crime? Areas great for families? Areas great for singles? You can always ask the local police for crime statistics. You can always search for school standings. But this was kind of cool if you're single, or family, or younger, or retirement age and trying to be with 'like' people.
Whatever the case, there's a place for you and I'll help you find your dream home!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
Cell/text 781-799-7570
I searched Google and found: The results on this site are interesting.
Which neighborhood has the best school? Lowest crime? Areas great for families? Areas great for singles? You can always ask the local police for crime statistics. You can always search for school standings. But this was kind of cool if you're single, or family, or younger, or retirement age and trying to be with 'like' people.
Whatever the case, there's a place for you and I'll help you find your dream home!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
Cell/text 781-799-7570
FSBO. Really.
You're considering a FSBO. Really. Let's think
about this. I made the move from Boston. I am a Realtor. I worked for years
for a lender. I had a professional appraisal. I paid for a boatload of
advertising. I got one nosey neighbor at the open house. I finally gave the
listing to a Realtor. He sold my house. FSBOs are just uncomfortable for
buyers and painful for sellers.
First: You are advertising on Craig's list and FSBO sites. CREEPY. If you list with a Realtor, Realtors show your homes. Did you know every Realtor in FL has been fingerprinted and the state has done a thorough background check. You list your home confident that the person showing it has a clean record. Can you say that for the Craig's list customer? What about the FSBO site buyer? If you list with a Realtor your best interests are protected and you are safe. Your potential buyer has been screened. Robbers do not get a mortgage prequalification before they 'check out' your house.
Second: Can you be there 7 days, at the convenience of the buyer, to show your home? A Realtor can. Can you afford to try to reschedule for 'your convenience'. I say no. Yesterday my buyer was between 2 homes. One he saw, the other he did not see yet. The seller didnt want to be available for house #2. What a difference a day makes? My buyer bought the one he saw. Even got a 10 minute notice at 6:30 pm for a second showing! And yes, this Realtor cancelled her evening plans to escort his family through the home again.
Third: "AWKWARD" Nothing is weirder than having the seller follow you around. You just can't get the feel of a home with someone looking over your shoulder and chatting with you. Then there's this scenario - Let's see. "Well Mr. Seller, I love the house, but the price is too high". There is no way to say it tactfully. Who wants to. They just don't make an offer. They move on.
Look at the article from NAR (National Association of Realtors). You basically pay a Realtor 6% and you start packing. OR you list yourself and lose on average 16% .
Public Advocacy Campaign: Don't Try This at Home
I have a Bachelors degree in Business with sales and marketing concentrations. I have been in sales for 20+ yrs. I have been in Real Estate and Lending for almost 20 yrs. I have bought and sold in SW FL for over 10 yrs. I am more qualified than you are to sell your home! Call me. Let's talk about it.
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell / text 781-799-7570
twitter FLwaterfrontRE
First: You are advertising on Craig's list and FSBO sites. CREEPY. If you list with a Realtor, Realtors show your homes. Did you know every Realtor in FL has been fingerprinted and the state has done a thorough background check. You list your home confident that the person showing it has a clean record. Can you say that for the Craig's list customer? What about the FSBO site buyer? If you list with a Realtor your best interests are protected and you are safe. Your potential buyer has been screened. Robbers do not get a mortgage prequalification before they 'check out' your house.
Second: Can you be there 7 days, at the convenience of the buyer, to show your home? A Realtor can. Can you afford to try to reschedule for 'your convenience'. I say no. Yesterday my buyer was between 2 homes. One he saw, the other he did not see yet. The seller didnt want to be available for house #2. What a difference a day makes? My buyer bought the one he saw. Even got a 10 minute notice at 6:30 pm for a second showing! And yes, this Realtor cancelled her evening plans to escort his family through the home again.
Third: "AWKWARD" Nothing is weirder than having the seller follow you around. You just can't get the feel of a home with someone looking over your shoulder and chatting with you. Then there's this scenario - Let's see. "Well Mr. Seller, I love the house, but the price is too high". There is no way to say it tactfully. Who wants to. They just don't make an offer. They move on.
Look at the article from NAR (National Association of Realtors). You basically pay a Realtor 6% and you start packing. OR you list yourself and lose on average 16% .
Public Advocacy Campaign: Don't Try This at Home
In addition, REALTORS® are experts in attracting qualified buyers. A professional can show a home more objectively than can a seller who may be emotionally attached to the home, and who might become unnerved by prospective buyers’ critical comments. The real estate pro also checks the financial capability and bona fides of buyers before allowing them onto a seller’s property. |
I have a Bachelors degree in Business with sales and marketing concentrations. I have been in sales for 20+ yrs. I have been in Real Estate and Lending for almost 20 yrs. I have bought and sold in SW FL for over 10 yrs. I am more qualified than you are to sell your home! Call me. Let's talk about it.
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell / text 781-799-7570
twitter FLwaterfrontRE
Buy a home for $1000 down! WOW!
It's true. You can buy a
home for $1000 down.
There are a few rules but
it is being done ALL over Florida!
First, you're a first time homebuyer (FTHB). You have not owned Real Estate for 3yrs at least . ( A mobile home on rented land is considered personal property and not real estate.) You're a FTHB even if you owned a home yesterday if you are honorably discharged from the service!
You have to attend a FTHB class (3rd Sat every month at the greater Fort Myers and the Islands Real Estate board in Fort Myers). You have to pre-register.
Your credit is decent and your score is at least 660.
Your income for 2 is <$73,920 and for 3 people <$86,240.
Maximum home price to qualify for Lee county is $324,683
OK, so you have made it through those hurdles (which are current info as of 4/20/2012), next you need to find a lender. Go to and find a lender in your area who is approved for the Florida First loans.
The lenders know the details on these loans and they know how the programs work. You can get prequalified for an FHA loan at 4.5% , and for up to $7500 to cover down payment or closing costs at 0% interest. Ask your lender for specifics as it is a no interest repayable loan and you will want to be completely informed. (rates are subject to change, and programs are too!) Florida Housing has a few programs to assist a First timer!
Once you are pre-qualified, call me! I love working with FTHBs! You guys are just so excited and fun to be around!
I'm here to help,
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
*Rates/terms/and fees are quoted by the lender. The rates/terms above did not include any other fees involved in the loan. Your lender will give you a good faith estimate showing accurate fees and terms. You'll need to get a lender from the website above to get prequalified as not all lenders offer this program. Not everyone will qualify, so go there first and find Programs, rates above, and rules are subject to change too. The website and your lender should be able to give you exact availability.
Parker Lakes Fort Myers FL
I have sold 2 units in Parker Lakes.
Parker Lakes is a gated community containing over 230 acres. It is located on Gladiolus drive between Winkler Rd and A&W Bulb Rd in South West Fort Myers. It is about 13 miles from RSW airport. It is about 8 miles to the Sanibel Bridge! Parker Lakes is a 15 minute drive to Fort Myers Beach.
Local shopping and restaurants are an easy ride! Baseball fan? Parker Lakes is close to Spring training facilities for the Boston Red Sox (Go Sox!!, oops, sorry) and the Minnesota twins. Sanibel Island is close by with fantastic shelling! Parker Lakes is a quick ride to the Edison Estates and the local yacht club!
Parker Lakes amenities include pitch and putt golf course, heated pool/spa, fishing pier and gazebo, playground, picnic and barbecue area, racquetball and basketball courts, tennis complex, walking/biking paths, shuffleboard courts, clubhouse with fitness center and outdoor cabana.
Some of the rules as of 3/27/2012:
Max 2 pets/unit up to 25lbs
limits to Vehicles- no RVs, No Commercial
Renters must be 25 yrs old+
There are several different communities- one to suit anyone! Here's a list:
ATTACHED VILLAS: Coral Isle $310/month
COACH HOMES: Crystal Grove, $375/month
Glen Cove, $350-380/month
DETACHED VILLAS: Palm Isle $305/month
GARDEN CONDOS: Bridgeway, Grand View $400/month.
LAKE FRONT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES: The Enclave $100 -$135/month
SINGLE FAMILY HOMES: The Meadows, Willow Brook $100-$135/month
**Fees are approximate and need to be verified by seller or HOA**
If you are interested in Parker Lakes, give me a call!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor CNE AAHR
Twitter FLwaterfrontRE
cell/text 781-799-7570
Parker Lakes is a gated community containing over 230 acres. It is located on Gladiolus drive between Winkler Rd and A&W Bulb Rd in South West Fort Myers. It is about 13 miles from RSW airport. It is about 8 miles to the Sanibel Bridge! Parker Lakes is a 15 minute drive to Fort Myers Beach.
Local shopping and restaurants are an easy ride! Baseball fan? Parker Lakes is close to Spring training facilities for the Boston Red Sox (Go Sox!!, oops, sorry) and the Minnesota twins. Sanibel Island is close by with fantastic shelling! Parker Lakes is a quick ride to the Edison Estates and the local yacht club!
Parker Lakes amenities include pitch and putt golf course, heated pool/spa, fishing pier and gazebo, playground, picnic and barbecue area, racquetball and basketball courts, tennis complex, walking/biking paths, shuffleboard courts, clubhouse with fitness center and outdoor cabana.
Some of the rules as of 3/27/2012:
Max 2 pets/unit up to 25lbs
limits to Vehicles- no RVs, No Commercial
Renters must be 25 yrs old+
There are several different communities- one to suit anyone! Here's a list:
ATTACHED VILLAS: Coral Isle $310/month
COACH HOMES: Crystal Grove, $375/month
Glen Cove, $350-380/month
DETACHED VILLAS: Palm Isle $305/month
GARDEN CONDOS: Bridgeway, Grand View $400/month.
LAKE FRONT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES: The Enclave $100 -$135/month
SINGLE FAMILY HOMES: The Meadows, Willow Brook $100-$135/month
**Fees are approximate and need to be verified by seller or HOA**
If you are interested in Parker Lakes, give me a call!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor CNE AAHR
Twitter FLwaterfrontRE
cell/text 781-799-7570
Chinese (defective) drywall
Here are the basics: there was a shortgage of drywall due to the building boom.
Hurricaine Charley added to the problem. Drywall started getting imported from
overseas. Most of it came in through China either dorectly or through South
America. It seems to be the drywall in the walls of homes built late
2003-2007. It is estimated that 30% of those homes have anywhere from a piece
to a whole house full.
"The appearance of Chinese dry wall lawsuits dates back to 2004. That was when the building boom created a shortage of gypsum wallboard, so companies in China began shipping their product to the U.S. The need grew following the hurricanes of 2005, when rebuilding put additional pressure on wallboard supplies. Signs of possible Chinese drywall lawsuit cases first arose when construction crews noted the unpleasant odor and upper respiratory problems. As the homes were completed and people moved in, the corrosion of metals—believed due to the off-gassing of sulfur dioxide, carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide—began to occur." Read more at
So a big chunk of the problem lies in, well, the lies. Some homeowners claim they don't know if they have it when in fact the do know. So look for things like a home built in 2006 that already had the A/C or plumbing replaced. Since AC and plumbing have more than a 6 yr life span, that is a 'inspection alarm'. Or maybe the home smells like sulfur (firecrackers). I encourage all of my buyers to get a home inspector who is licensed and INSURED and does drywall inspections. Do not take any ones word for it! (Listing brokers get their info from sellers.). I had an out of town friend who's broker told her the home was clear because a contractor 're-did it all'. I told her to get an inspection anyway. It had defective drywall. Seems the homeowner/contractor lied. It's interesting. I see a 'suspect home' my client is interested in. I search MLS for prior sales, read the old listings. you'd be suprised how many disclosed defective drywall and still sold the house. I'll sell you one too, after you sign a release!
Everything goes- you have to gut these gems down to the studs. you can not reuse anything- not the cabinets, appliances, or any fixtures.
Since we do not know the long term effects, it's best to stand on the side of caution. There is tons of reading on the web. Just google search 'defective drywall or Chinese drywall'. Lee County is addressing this issue. click this link to find out more.
Cell/text (781)799-7570
twitter FLwaterfrontRE
Specializing in SW Florida waterfront property
"The appearance of Chinese dry wall lawsuits dates back to 2004. That was when the building boom created a shortage of gypsum wallboard, so companies in China began shipping their product to the U.S. The need grew following the hurricanes of 2005, when rebuilding put additional pressure on wallboard supplies. Signs of possible Chinese drywall lawsuit cases first arose when construction crews noted the unpleasant odor and upper respiratory problems. As the homes were completed and people moved in, the corrosion of metals—believed due to the off-gassing of sulfur dioxide, carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide—began to occur." Read more at
So a big chunk of the problem lies in, well, the lies. Some homeowners claim they don't know if they have it when in fact the do know. So look for things like a home built in 2006 that already had the A/C or plumbing replaced. Since AC and plumbing have more than a 6 yr life span, that is a 'inspection alarm'. Or maybe the home smells like sulfur (firecrackers). I encourage all of my buyers to get a home inspector who is licensed and INSURED and does drywall inspections. Do not take any ones word for it! (Listing brokers get their info from sellers.). I had an out of town friend who's broker told her the home was clear because a contractor 're-did it all'. I told her to get an inspection anyway. It had defective drywall. Seems the homeowner/contractor lied. It's interesting. I see a 'suspect home' my client is interested in. I search MLS for prior sales, read the old listings. you'd be suprised how many disclosed defective drywall and still sold the house. I'll sell you one too, after you sign a release!
Everything goes- you have to gut these gems down to the studs. you can not reuse anything- not the cabinets, appliances, or any fixtures.
Since we do not know the long term effects, it's best to stand on the side of caution. There is tons of reading on the web. Just google search 'defective drywall or Chinese drywall'. Lee County is addressing this issue. click this link to find out more.
Cell/text (781)799-7570
twitter FLwaterfrontRE
Specializing in SW Florida waterfront property
Buyer brokers cost you $0 !
I advertise heavily on line. One of the most often asked questions is "Do I
need a buyer broker?" "Do I need my own broker or can I use the seller's
Here's the answer: YES!!
1. It's free. "Are you kidding? Free?? " you ask. "Yes, a buyer broker is free! " "I don't believe it!"
Here's the scoop. The seller pays about 6% of the sales price to sell his house. (We'll use 6% for the example) In the agreement, 3% goes to the LISTING broker's office and 3% goes the the SELLING broker's office. Your buyer broker IS the selling broker and that's how they get paid. The seller pays both brokers. What a deal! YOU get all the advice and guidance for free.
Broker's get you comparable sales. They complete all of the paperwork for the offer. They negotiate. They coordinate with your home inspector(s) and sit through the grueling 3 hr inspection for/with you. They let your banks appraiser in. They do more paperwork as needed. They are the liasion between you and the seller. They follow up to be sure you are staying within the time frame of the contract.
2. You know you don't listen to your mother, so you need a buyer broker to listen to. Seriously- You listen to your best friend to decide if your boyfriend is a dork. You listen to the hairdresser to decide what style looks best. You listen to your uncle Charlie to see what kind of car to buy. You need to listen to a Realtor to help you choose a home.
3. You will hear tons of words that sound a little like Charlie Brown's teacher in the process. A buyer's broker can translate! You will need to know about certain parts of town (is there a bus service? how far is the beach?). You will need to know about the local weirdisms- Chinese drywall? What kind of title are they giving me? They have a Real Estate tax deduction for what??
You're making one of the biggest purchases that you'll ever make. You need a professional broker to guide you through the process.
Call me for assistance when you are ready to buy. Have your buyer package ready to bring with you (complete bank statement if you are a cash buyer, mortgage preapproval if you are obtaining a loan). A camera is a good idea, it gets confusing by the end of the day. Be ready to make an offer on 'showing day'. 'We are in a here today, gone tomorrow' market.
Here's the answer: YES!!
1. It's free. "Are you kidding? Free?? " you ask. "Yes, a buyer broker is free! " "I don't believe it!"
Here's the scoop. The seller pays about 6% of the sales price to sell his house. (We'll use 6% for the example) In the agreement, 3% goes to the LISTING broker's office and 3% goes the the SELLING broker's office. Your buyer broker IS the selling broker and that's how they get paid. The seller pays both brokers. What a deal! YOU get all the advice and guidance for free.
Broker's get you comparable sales. They complete all of the paperwork for the offer. They negotiate. They coordinate with your home inspector(s) and sit through the grueling 3 hr inspection for/with you. They let your banks appraiser in. They do more paperwork as needed. They are the liasion between you and the seller. They follow up to be sure you are staying within the time frame of the contract.
2. You know you don't listen to your mother, so you need a buyer broker to listen to. Seriously- You listen to your best friend to decide if your boyfriend is a dork. You listen to the hairdresser to decide what style looks best. You listen to your uncle Charlie to see what kind of car to buy. You need to listen to a Realtor to help you choose a home.
3. You will hear tons of words that sound a little like Charlie Brown's teacher in the process. A buyer's broker can translate! You will need to know about certain parts of town (is there a bus service? how far is the beach?). You will need to know about the local weirdisms- Chinese drywall? What kind of title are they giving me? They have a Real Estate tax deduction for what??
You're making one of the biggest purchases that you'll ever make. You need a professional broker to guide you through the process.
Call me for assistance when you are ready to buy. Have your buyer package ready to bring with you (complete bank statement if you are a cash buyer, mortgage preapproval if you are obtaining a loan). A camera is a good idea, it gets confusing by the end of the day. Be ready to make an offer on 'showing day'. 'We are in a here today, gone tomorrow' market.
Laurel Oaks Fort Myers
This gated community is adorable. It has beautiful tree filled lots. The homes
are a mix of old style, Florida, and contemporary. You come through the gate
and feel like you are home.
Laurel Oaks has an HOA. Fee runs about $140/month. The fee covers the security gate, pool, tennis, and the community room, as well as landscaping and maintenance of the common areas.
Homes average between 1500 sq ft and 2500 sq ft. The lots are standard size FL lots. Home prices run from 150k - 300k.
I was at a listing appointment today. This home was beautiful. The yard was private and fenced. The landscaping was mature. The interior was immaculate! I'll post more if the homeowner decides to list!
I have to say, it falls into the 'one of my favorite neighborhoods' list somewhere around the top. It is not a neighborhood of cookie-cutter homes. It is quaint and cozy, the way home should be!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Laurel Oaks has an HOA. Fee runs about $140/month. The fee covers the security gate, pool, tennis, and the community room, as well as landscaping and maintenance of the common areas.
Homes average between 1500 sq ft and 2500 sq ft. The lots are standard size FL lots. Home prices run from 150k - 300k.
I was at a listing appointment today. This home was beautiful. The yard was private and fenced. The landscaping was mature. The interior was immaculate! I'll post more if the homeowner decides to list!
I have to say, it falls into the 'one of my favorite neighborhoods' list somewhere around the top. It is not a neighborhood of cookie-cutter homes. It is quaint and cozy, the way home should be!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
I want to buy a foreclosure but my broker wont call me back!
Your broker is not calling you back because
you didn't attend Claudia's free on line course of foreclosure buying. Now's
your chance!!
WARNING: Foreclosures are not for the meek at heart. They are not for the 'wheeler dealer' types. Here's my professional advice: Do what you're told and you'll have a much better chance of getting the home you want. What you see on TV is not real. You can't negotiate a 20K HOME. The seller won't pay your closing and you have to play by the rules to the letter. Your friends don't know more than your broker.
Let's get this foreclosure procedure down and find you a home!
FIRST- the bank owns the home. Foreclosure is the legal process that takes the property from the legal ownership of the homeowner and conveys it to the lien holder because the homeowner has defaulted (didnt pay the loan). Once the court is done transferring title, the property is considered 'foreclosed'. The bank owns it and is now the seller. The bank has just taken a huge loss because the prior owner defaulted on the loan. The bank just paid huge legal fees.
The bank is a BUSINESS. The asset managers job is to recoup as much of the loss as possible. Don't take it personally, but they don't care about you, your family, or your needs. It's ugly, but it's true.
First, before you contact a Realtor....
Scan your bank statement or IRA or 401k into your computer. It has to be yours, not your relatives or friends, fiances etc. Funds from other sources (AKA mattress money) are not considered, so get it together before you ask a broker to show you a home.
If you are buying a home that is not in rough shape and is more than 60k, then you need to get your financing in order. Get with a mortgage broker or call your bank. You need a prequalification letter to make an offer. You need this before you ask a broker to show you a home.
HUD HOMES- tell yourself 500 times "I will not underbid. I will not waste my broker's time." HUD accepts offers until a deadline usually. They like owner occupied offers and cash offers best. Owner occupied because it makes them feel fuzzy over getting someone a home. Cash because a lot of these homes are not in 'finance friendly' condition. Make your highest and best offer, you won't have a chance to negotiate if there is a better offer.
Now your offer is in, and accepted. Although your broker tried to get you 10 days to inspect, the bank probably countered with 5. Remember they don't care about whether or not it is convenient to you. Get it done immediately. I can refer an inspector or you can get one of your own.
The closing date was also set by the bank. However, if you do not close on time you will most likely get a per diem (per day) LATE fee . If they don't close on time, you'll have to sign an extension. It is a double standard, yes, but they are the boss, so you have to do it their way. ( Also, they don't have to reimburse you for your troubles. The contract gave you 5 days for inpsections, it didn't require them. You had them at your own expense because you wanted to.)
Closing day comes! YIPPEE! Not so fast! Until the deed is filed (usually tomorrow), you do not own the home. Now, Do not think about parking the moving van on the property over night, or 'breaking into your home' because you are tresspassing! It will not be yours until the deed is recorded. Plan for this hiccup when you give notice to your landlord.
Once the broker is instructed to do so, you get the key!!
Claudia A DeBruyn
Realtor CNE AAHR
cell/text 781-799-7570
WARNING: Foreclosures are not for the meek at heart. They are not for the 'wheeler dealer' types. Here's my professional advice: Do what you're told and you'll have a much better chance of getting the home you want. What you see on TV is not real. You can't negotiate a 20K HOME. The seller won't pay your closing and you have to play by the rules to the letter. Your friends don't know more than your broker.
Let's get this foreclosure procedure down and find you a home!
FIRST- the bank owns the home. Foreclosure is the legal process that takes the property from the legal ownership of the homeowner and conveys it to the lien holder because the homeowner has defaulted (didnt pay the loan). Once the court is done transferring title, the property is considered 'foreclosed'. The bank owns it and is now the seller. The bank has just taken a huge loss because the prior owner defaulted on the loan. The bank just paid huge legal fees.
The bank is a BUSINESS. The asset managers job is to recoup as much of the loss as possible. Don't take it personally, but they don't care about you, your family, or your needs. It's ugly, but it's true.
First, before you contact a Realtor....
Scan your bank statement or IRA or 401k into your computer. It has to be yours, not your relatives or friends, fiances etc. Funds from other sources (AKA mattress money) are not considered, so get it together before you ask a broker to show you a home.
If you are buying a home that is not in rough shape and is more than 60k, then you need to get your financing in order. Get with a mortgage broker or call your bank. You need a prequalification letter to make an offer. You need this before you ask a broker to show you a home.
HUD HOMES- tell yourself 500 times "I will not underbid. I will not waste my broker's time." HUD accepts offers until a deadline usually. They like owner occupied offers and cash offers best. Owner occupied because it makes them feel fuzzy over getting someone a home. Cash because a lot of these homes are not in 'finance friendly' condition. Make your highest and best offer, you won't have a chance to negotiate if there is a better offer.
Now your offer is in, and accepted. Although your broker tried to get you 10 days to inspect, the bank probably countered with 5. Remember they don't care about whether or not it is convenient to you. Get it done immediately. I can refer an inspector or you can get one of your own.
The closing date was also set by the bank. However, if you do not close on time you will most likely get a per diem (per day) LATE fee . If they don't close on time, you'll have to sign an extension. It is a double standard, yes, but they are the boss, so you have to do it their way. ( Also, they don't have to reimburse you for your troubles. The contract gave you 5 days for inpsections, it didn't require them. You had them at your own expense because you wanted to.)
Closing day comes! YIPPEE! Not so fast! Until the deed is filed (usually tomorrow), you do not own the home. Now, Do not think about parking the moving van on the property over night, or 'breaking into your home' because you are tresspassing! It will not be yours until the deed is recorded. Plan for this hiccup when you give notice to your landlord.
Once the broker is instructed to do so, you get the key!!
Claudia A DeBruyn
Realtor CNE AAHR
cell/text 781-799-7570
First time home buyers!!
You've come to the right place. I worked for a national lender for over 10 yrs! Here's what you need to do:
Get together the following documents-
2 yrs W2s
current paystub
3 months bank statements
If you get paid 1099, then 2 yrs and your tax returns.
Now, every lender asks for different documentation, but these are the 'bones'. You need to be prequalified to make an offer. DO THIS FIRST!
Call/contact a bank or mortgage broker.
They will help you determine whether or not you can qualify for a home. They will tell you how much to expect to need for down payment (based on available programs), how much closing costs are and they will tell you your estimated payment.
Then you come back to me. You and I speak about what your needs are today, and your plans are for the future (moving? Babies? etc). That way we make a good decision! I'll set you up on a Real Estate Search engine so you can surf through listings to get an idea of what you can afford. We'll pick your top 5 and tour each home. Once you choose a home to buy, I will get comparables for you so you don't over pay. We will send the offer and your prequalification letter to the list broker and negotiations will begin with the seller.
Once we get an accepted offer, you will need a home inspection. I will give you 3 names and you can choose one, or choose one that you already know. Home inspections are worth every dime.
Once the home inpsection is done, and you approve, we will move forward. Your lender orders an appraisal. The title co orders title, and you start worrying about what color to paint your kitchen!
I'm with you from start to finish. Having worked for over 10 yrs with national lenders, I know the 'routine'. I've bought and sold SWFL Real Estate for over 10 yrs. Together we will find the right home for you and your family!!
Provided by:
Claudia A DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Get together the following documents-
2 yrs W2s
current paystub
3 months bank statements
If you get paid 1099, then 2 yrs and your tax returns.
Now, every lender asks for different documentation, but these are the 'bones'. You need to be prequalified to make an offer. DO THIS FIRST!
Call/contact a bank or mortgage broker.
They will help you determine whether or not you can qualify for a home. They will tell you how much to expect to need for down payment (based on available programs), how much closing costs are and they will tell you your estimated payment.
Then you come back to me. You and I speak about what your needs are today, and your plans are for the future (moving? Babies? etc). That way we make a good decision! I'll set you up on a Real Estate Search engine so you can surf through listings to get an idea of what you can afford. We'll pick your top 5 and tour each home. Once you choose a home to buy, I will get comparables for you so you don't over pay. We will send the offer and your prequalification letter to the list broker and negotiations will begin with the seller.
Once we get an accepted offer, you will need a home inspection. I will give you 3 names and you can choose one, or choose one that you already know. Home inspections are worth every dime.
Once the home inpsection is done, and you approve, we will move forward. Your lender orders an appraisal. The title co orders title, and you start worrying about what color to paint your kitchen!
I'm with you from start to finish. Having worked for over 10 yrs with national lenders, I know the 'routine'. I've bought and sold SWFL Real Estate for over 10 yrs. Together we will find the right home for you and your family!!
Provided by:
Claudia A DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Home crisis-over in 2012?
IT'S PRETTY BASIC ECONOMICS. When the lenders tightened their restrictions, there was less for the regular Joe to borrow. Home sellers had to lower their prices to sell their houses because the pool of buyers was smaller. There was a huge supply of homes on the market because no one could get a home loan to buy them. There were thousands of foreclosures. People could not refinance. A lot on the market gives the buyer more to choose from and more negotiating power.
If you are planning to buy, today is the day. Go get pre-approved. You have to be pre-approved or have proof of funds (bank statement, 401k statement, IRA etc) to place an offer in SWFL. Sellers are not playing games. Broker's are not giving home tours. Its not an episode of HGTV. This is serious stuff. Houses move quickly when they are priced right and when they are in desireable areas. If you're not ready to take action, you can lose out!
Call your lender, then me and we can get you in the game before you miss out! I'll walk you through the process from beginning to end.
IT'S PRETTY BASIC ECONOMICS. When the lenders tightened their restrictions, there was less for the regular Joe to borrow. Home sellers had to lower their prices to sell their houses because the pool of buyers was smaller. There was a huge supply of homes on the market because no one could get a home loan to buy them. There were thousands of foreclosures. People could not refinance. A lot on the market gives the buyer more to choose from and more negotiating power.
If you are planning to buy, today is the day. Go get pre-approved. You have to be pre-approved or have proof of funds (bank statement, 401k statement, IRA etc) to place an offer in SWFL. Sellers are not playing games. Broker's are not giving home tours. Its not an episode of HGTV. This is serious stuff. Houses move quickly when they are priced right and when they are in desireable areas. If you're not ready to take action, you can lose out!
Call your lender, then me and we can get you in the game before you miss out! I'll walk you through the process from beginning to end.
McGregor Isles- Fort Myers FL
I periodically try to educate my buyer on the area neighborhoods. Todays
neighborhood is McGregor Isles.
This is one of my favorite neighborhoods. It is off Mcgregor Blvd. To
familiarize yourselves, McGregor runs from downtown to Fort Myers Beach area. It
actually turns right, but you probably won't notice as you go down San Carlos
Blvd to the ocean. You're in a trance, driving along McGregor's palm tree lined
street. You pass the Edison Ford Estates, the Edison Restaurant, and continue
along looking ath the various homes that line the street. Some are bungalows,
some spanish style....Your GPS interupts your joyride and you make the turn to
follow McGregor and into Mcgregor Isles.
I love this neighborhood because of the waterfront lots. I love the
proximity to Fort Myers beach. I love the feeling of being in a residential
neighborhood. There is no HOA, so you have no huge fee to pay every month. A
'low price' home cost about $350k. You get about 2800 sq ft, and 5 bedrooms for
your money, along with a dock and boat lift. You can continue to search the
neighborhood into the 800k range. Some homes older than others, each with their
own style, which makes it a real neighborhood. The only down side I see is city
and County taxes seem to be required. 7 homes are currently active in the
Let's talk $$. Ok, most of the $300-800k neighborhoods have an HOA fee-
some as high as $800/month. Now, on a good day, the HOA would pay cable and lawn
care, community pool guy (that's about $250/month.). So that leaves you $600 to
cover ammemities that you probably don't need. Your home usually comes with a
pool and even a boat lift/dock on some. Streets are maintained by your RE taxes
(which do not seem to be lower in a gated HOA development although the HOA
claims to pay for the maintenance- hmmm). Did you know, that $100,000 at 5% over
a 30 yr mortgage, costs you $536.82/month. Sooo, Claudia Math tells me, if I
don't have an HOA I can buy 100k more house for my money and keep the same
payment. Just sayin'.....
If it's out of your price range, it's ok to dream. If you are looking for
waterfront, close to everything with a place to park your boat, McGregor Isles
might just be the place to call home! Call me for current listings!
Claudia DeBruyn
SW FL Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
Hawk's Preserve - Fort Myers FL
Last Sunday (Feb 2012) I viewed homes in The Hawk's Preserve neighborhood of
Fort Myers. This neighborhood is off of Palm Beach Blvd. It is close to I75, and
about 45 minutes to the beach. Homes here list and sell within days. There are
currently 8 pending and only one active (two most recent closed sales are $120k
and $132k ).
Some have lake view, some are wooded view. Some have pools, some do not. Some are 3 br, some have 4! There is an HOA. Fee looks like its <$50/month! Taxes are county only -approx $150/mo . (Homes closer to downtown have county and city tax in FL) Homes were built in 2006. The sellers boast no chinese Drywall (but I'd have an inspection anyway- I know... I'm everyone's mom!).
I just rented a beautiful 3/2, just over 1900 sq ft home Saturday for a client for $1100/month. Leases are a 12 month minimum in this development.
If you are interested in this neighborhood, please be sure to let me know! I'll watch it for you. If you are not signed up on, let me know that too. It is free and it is a comprehensive look at the local MLS!
Claudia Debruyn, Realtor
cell 781-799-7570
Some have lake view, some are wooded view. Some have pools, some do not. Some are 3 br, some have 4! There is an HOA. Fee looks like its <$50/month! Taxes are county only -approx $150/mo . (Homes closer to downtown have county and city tax in FL) Homes were built in 2006. The sellers boast no chinese Drywall (but I'd have an inspection anyway- I know... I'm everyone's mom!).
I just rented a beautiful 3/2, just over 1900 sq ft home Saturday for a client for $1100/month. Leases are a 12 month minimum in this development.
If you are interested in this neighborhood, please be sure to let me know! I'll watch it for you. If you are not signed up on, let me know that too. It is free and it is a comprehensive look at the local MLS!
Claudia Debruyn, Realtor
cell 781-799-7570
Verandah! Fort Myers
Verandah! Fort Myers
I share my neighborhood ventures with my
perspective clients to familiarize you with the different areas. I hope it is
helpful. If there is a specific development you would like to know more about,
please let me know!
Today I was lucky enough to be on the tour of Verandah! Verandah is a gated development of over 140 acres of land in East Fort Myers/ Buckingham. Its off Exit 141. The ride to the beach is about 45 minutes. The highway (I75) is 2 miles. Publix (supermarket) is <2 miles away.
There are two parts to Verandah. First, there is the Cottonwood Bend neighborhood. This neighborhood was built by Lennar homes. It features Coach homes or townhouses. Most are 3 bed, 2 bath and around 1800 sq ft. with a 1 car attached garage. Selling prices since Nov.2011 average about 80k. They sell rather quickly, so if you are interested don't wait. Units that are priced right sell in less than 30 days. Units rent for about $1100/month (per MLS).
Then there are the luxury homes. When I say luxury I mean huge homes with miles of moulding! (or what seems like miles). These custom homes have fantastic cook's kitchens. They have spa-like master suites. The tile is incredible- all masterpieces! They have gorgeous lanais and pools. The lots on a lake, woods or golf course.
The fitness center is huge! It goes out to a community pool. There are showers in the Fitness center, and scheduled classes. The restaurant offers fine dining and a casual bar. There is a pro shop for golfers. Rent a kayak, or walk the 9 miles of nature trails.
The community is gated. Ammenities include a JOG PATH, CLUBHOUSE, COMMUNITY POOL, DOG PARK, EXERCISE ROOM, GOLF COURSE, INTERNET ACCESS, PLAY AREA, SIDE WALK, STREETLIGHTS, TENNIS. Your HOA fee does not cover golf membership, or the fitness center which is optional.
Cottonwood town houses: HOA fees are approx $230/month to the Verandah west community asscoiation and $363/month to the Cottonwood Neighborhood Association assessment. a CDD fee of approx $870 is added to your annual tax bill (Community development district).
A few Cottonwood notes: Buyer to assume the balance of the CDD (approx $871 seems to be the amount on the listings here) from the date of closing forward, pay a one time capital contribution fee of $2,000 to the Verandah Community Association, and pay a one time foundation fee of .0025 times the selling price.
Luxury home developments have their own fees (each street is their own HOA with various ammenities. ) I can scan it to you. They also have CDD fees and one time association fees.
The community boasts several 'loops' each being developed by fantastic builders into single family homes ranging from $500k to $1MM. The million dollar home was stunning if your interested!
I have the HOA docs. Upon acceptance of an offer, I will have them copied for you. You can ask me any questions and I'll go through the paperwork to answer them for you.
If you would like to see one of these homes, I need 24 hours to set an appointment. You need to be either a cash buyer (cash in the bank) or have a bank prequalification to see property with me. Sellers require proof of funds at the time of the offer.
Have a great week!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
Cell/text 781-799-7570
Today I was lucky enough to be on the tour of Verandah! Verandah is a gated development of over 140 acres of land in East Fort Myers/ Buckingham. Its off Exit 141. The ride to the beach is about 45 minutes. The highway (I75) is 2 miles. Publix (supermarket) is <2 miles away.
There are two parts to Verandah. First, there is the Cottonwood Bend neighborhood. This neighborhood was built by Lennar homes. It features Coach homes or townhouses. Most are 3 bed, 2 bath and around 1800 sq ft. with a 1 car attached garage. Selling prices since Nov.2011 average about 80k. They sell rather quickly, so if you are interested don't wait. Units that are priced right sell in less than 30 days. Units rent for about $1100/month (per MLS).
Then there are the luxury homes. When I say luxury I mean huge homes with miles of moulding! (or what seems like miles). These custom homes have fantastic cook's kitchens. They have spa-like master suites. The tile is incredible- all masterpieces! They have gorgeous lanais and pools. The lots on a lake, woods or golf course.
The fitness center is huge! It goes out to a community pool. There are showers in the Fitness center, and scheduled classes. The restaurant offers fine dining and a casual bar. There is a pro shop for golfers. Rent a kayak, or walk the 9 miles of nature trails.
The community is gated. Ammenities include a JOG PATH, CLUBHOUSE, COMMUNITY POOL, DOG PARK, EXERCISE ROOM, GOLF COURSE, INTERNET ACCESS, PLAY AREA, SIDE WALK, STREETLIGHTS, TENNIS. Your HOA fee does not cover golf membership, or the fitness center which is optional.
Cottonwood town houses: HOA fees are approx $230/month to the Verandah west community asscoiation and $363/month to the Cottonwood Neighborhood Association assessment. a CDD fee of approx $870 is added to your annual tax bill (Community development district).
A few Cottonwood notes: Buyer to assume the balance of the CDD (approx $871 seems to be the amount on the listings here) from the date of closing forward, pay a one time capital contribution fee of $2,000 to the Verandah Community Association, and pay a one time foundation fee of .0025 times the selling price.
Luxury home developments have their own fees (each street is their own HOA with various ammenities. ) I can scan it to you. They also have CDD fees and one time association fees.
The community boasts several 'loops' each being developed by fantastic builders into single family homes ranging from $500k to $1MM. The million dollar home was stunning if your interested!
I have the HOA docs. Upon acceptance of an offer, I will have them copied for you. You can ask me any questions and I'll go through the paperwork to answer them for you.
If you would like to see one of these homes, I need 24 hours to set an appointment. You need to be either a cash buyer (cash in the bank) or have a bank prequalification to see property with me. Sellers require proof of funds at the time of the offer.
Have a great week!
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
Cell/text 781-799-7570
North Star Yacht Club-North Fort Myers
The North Star Yacht Club. Amazing high- rises, twelve floors and a top floor of penthouses that have views to die for!
This is a gated community. The security guard takes your name and copies your license plate. There are 3 legal ways in! A) be a resident B) be a realtor C) come with a realtor (me!).
Lets talk about the homes!
The Penthouse: There are two floor plans. I saw 'Perseus.' This phenomenal home boasts 3 bedrooms/study/2.5 baths, the grand salon and a dining room, and in suite laundry. 2287 sq ft of living area and a glorious water view from all of the wrap around patio! From $559,900 HOA $784/mo
Orion: 3 bed/2.5 bath/ The master bedroom and adjoining master bath area are so luxurious! The laundry room has a sink, extra cabinets and a double closet for storage. Granite and dark wood cabinets line the kitchen. 2129 sq ft from $319,000 HOA $710/mo
Libra: 2 bedroom/den/ 2 baths. Gorgeous unit with an awesome floor plan. It has a dining room/great room that is open to the kitchen. 1902 sq ft From $239,900 HOA $635/mo
Capricorn: 2 bedroom/ 2 bath/ den , kitchen open to the dining /great room. The balcony is also facing the water. This home is 1759 sq ft From $219,900 HOA $586/mo
The club house building includes a theater, fitness room, aerobics room, billiard room, and a card playing room. There is also a fabulous sparkling pool outside. All of these are paid for by part of your HOA fee.
These units are Fannie Mae and FHA approved. 70% are sold!
New residences with full warranties. Fully protected marina with boat slips for lease. Each unit comes with 2 parking spaces and a storage unit. And of course, they all have a southern exposure!
Call me with questions! ce// 781-799-7570
Claudia DeBruyn, Realtor
Royal Palm Yacht Club - Fort Myers, FL
Well, boaters! Ahoy!
I spent the afternoon in Fort Myers at The Royal Palm Yacht Club. It is located on the waterfront, 2360 West First Street, Fort Myers, FL. What a great place to be all afternoon! The RPYC is 65 yrs old this year! It sits next to the Edison/Ford Winter Estates.
First of all, you don't need to own a boat. You can be single or married. (membership pricing is available for both).
The club offers fine dining, dancing, Sunday champagne brunch, an oceanside bar, and a great social environment for it's members and their guests. Social events include group boating activities, bridge, bowling, books, movies, Skipper's breakfast, ladies luncheon and wine club, theme holiday parties, entertainment, land-based excursions and RECIPROCAL PRIVELEGES AT OTHER YACHT CLUBS! There's even a health club on site.
There are 36 yacht clubs that you will have access to in FL. See their website for details or call 239-334-2176
Provided by:
Claudia A DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
I spent the afternoon in Fort Myers at The Royal Palm Yacht Club. It is located on the waterfront, 2360 West First Street, Fort Myers, FL. What a great place to be all afternoon! The RPYC is 65 yrs old this year! It sits next to the Edison/Ford Winter Estates.
First of all, you don't need to own a boat. You can be single or married. (membership pricing is available for both).
The club offers fine dining, dancing, Sunday champagne brunch, an oceanside bar, and a great social environment for it's members and their guests. Social events include group boating activities, bridge, bowling, books, movies, Skipper's breakfast, ladies luncheon and wine club, theme holiday parties, entertainment, land-based excursions and RECIPROCAL PRIVELEGES AT OTHER YACHT CLUBS! There's even a health club on site.
There are 36 yacht clubs that you will have access to in FL. See their website for details or call 239-334-2176
Provided by:
Claudia A DeBruyn, Realtor
cell/text 781-799-7570
When you find your new home, consider the homeless!
Cleaning out? Call me- The local homeless shelters need clean,
unripped/unstained clothing and shoes for their shelter residents!
I've been volunteering at the Charlotte Shelter, working with people to help them find jobs. You'd be amazed at the paths some lives have taken. I've seen men and women so over-qualified there are no positions, and without employment they lose their home. They continue to search for work, living with a bag of clothes and a heart full of memories. It's really not what you think. Mothers, fathers and children are trying to stay together. They are hoping this is just a temporary hiccup in their world.
Call the local shelter if you need movers, yard care, house cleaning. Pay them well, knowing you are doing the right thing to help your someday neighbor get back on their feet and enjoy the wonderful excitement of their own home!
I've been volunteering at the Charlotte Shelter, working with people to help them find jobs. You'd be amazed at the paths some lives have taken. I've seen men and women so over-qualified there are no positions, and without employment they lose their home. They continue to search for work, living with a bag of clothes and a heart full of memories. It's really not what you think. Mothers, fathers and children are trying to stay together. They are hoping this is just a temporary hiccup in their world.
Call the local shelter if you need movers, yard care, house cleaning. Pay them well, knowing you are doing the right thing to help your someday neighbor get back on their feet and enjoy the wonderful excitement of their own home!
Why are you still renting???
Save your money, ask Santa for cash, file your tax return ASAP! This market is
amazing. I ran a few numbers; as of today rates are lower than 5%, but I just
needed to plug in an interest rate to get approximate payments for you. You will
need to add taxes and insurance, Association fees (if any), and possibly PMI
(lender required insurance).
Let's do the basic math!
Are you renting for between $750 and $850. Principle and interest on a $100,000 loan @ 5% for 30 years is $536.82. What's on the market for $100,000? Tons of beautiful single family homes!
Are you renting for $1500/month. Here we go ....Principle and interest on a $200,000 loan @ 5% for 30 years is $1073.64 AND $250,000 for 30 yrs at 5% is $1342.05. What's on the market for $200,000 - $250,000? Gorgeous newer homes with large square footage and sparkling pools.
Purchasing has been described as a 3 legged stool- you need all 3 parts to be stable.
Here's the check list:
1) Credit: Do you have good credit? Prior short sales in your credit history should be about 2 yrs old, and explainable. Credit cards and loans (car etc) need to be paid on time consistently.
2) Income: Are you working a full time job where you can prove your income. Have you filed taxes for the past 2 years. Do you keep money in the bank? You need to meet various income criteria for most lenders. Even if you have changed jobs, you could still qualify.
3) Collateral: Does the property you are looking at make sense to a lender? It has to be in marketable condition. It has to appraise for the purchase price or more. In the lenders perspective, if they have to "take back' the property, they do not want to have to do repairs. Just because you are a fix-it kind of buyer, doesn't mean every bank will finance you.
I work with mortgage brokers who know the lending market inside and out. Having done lending myself, I know what they lenders want for collateral. If your own bank turns you down, that doesn't mean another won't lend to you. I can refer you to a mortgage broker if you don't have one yourself. I of course, will help you choose the right property. I'll work directly with your lender to answer any questions before we make an offer and before you pay for a home inspection and appraisal.
2013 should be known as 'The Year of the Homeowner" because the possibilities are endless! Let's plan your escape from the landlord cycle. When you ring in the new year, let's use a doorbell!
Calculate your principle and interest here:
Contact me for a free listingbook account. You can browse the MLS, ask me questions and see what is available in your dream neighborhood! I am a full time Realtor, and am available to answer your questions and help you find your way home!
Let's do the basic math!
Are you renting for between $750 and $850. Principle and interest on a $100,000 loan @ 5% for 30 years is $536.82. What's on the market for $100,000? Tons of beautiful single family homes!
Are you renting for $1500/month. Here we go ....Principle and interest on a $200,000 loan @ 5% for 30 years is $1073.64 AND $250,000 for 30 yrs at 5% is $1342.05. What's on the market for $200,000 - $250,000? Gorgeous newer homes with large square footage and sparkling pools.
Purchasing has been described as a 3 legged stool- you need all 3 parts to be stable.
Here's the check list:
1) Credit: Do you have good credit? Prior short sales in your credit history should be about 2 yrs old, and explainable. Credit cards and loans (car etc) need to be paid on time consistently.
2) Income: Are you working a full time job where you can prove your income. Have you filed taxes for the past 2 years. Do you keep money in the bank? You need to meet various income criteria for most lenders. Even if you have changed jobs, you could still qualify.
3) Collateral: Does the property you are looking at make sense to a lender? It has to be in marketable condition. It has to appraise for the purchase price or more. In the lenders perspective, if they have to "take back' the property, they do not want to have to do repairs. Just because you are a fix-it kind of buyer, doesn't mean every bank will finance you.
I work with mortgage brokers who know the lending market inside and out. Having done lending myself, I know what they lenders want for collateral. If your own bank turns you down, that doesn't mean another won't lend to you. I can refer you to a mortgage broker if you don't have one yourself. I of course, will help you choose the right property. I'll work directly with your lender to answer any questions before we make an offer and before you pay for a home inspection and appraisal.
2013 should be known as 'The Year of the Homeowner" because the possibilities are endless! Let's plan your escape from the landlord cycle. When you ring in the new year, let's use a doorbell!
Calculate your principle and interest here:
Contact me for a free listingbook account. You can browse the MLS, ask me questions and see what is available in your dream neighborhood! I am a full time Realtor, and am available to answer your questions and help you find your way home!
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